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The tracing module contains classes that facilitate the tracing process behind a user-friendly API. Note that it does not offer a command for performing the tracing procedure, which should instead be done by executing the decorated tests of the project. The testing process can be highly customised on a per-project basis, and as such represents a high-effort low-reward coding investment on this project's end.

Foundations & Principles


sys.settrace is a Python function that allows a callable to be set that is invoked on every line of Python code that comes after it. This registered callable, henceforth refered to as the trace function is expected to have three arguments:

  • frame: a representation of the current stack frame, containing references to further execution-related objects, such as:

    • the previous frame
    • visible globals
    • variables that have been placed on the stack
    • and more
  • event: a string indicating the manner in which the current line of Python is handled. Relevant for us are:

    • call: a callable was entered
    • line: plain line of code that is about to be executed (NOTE: this means the line will executed in the next interpreter step, not when it is encountered by the trace function)
    • return: a callable is about to return
  • arg: a value that differs depending on the given event. Relevant for us are:

    • call: arg is None. Retrieving the values of arguments is to be performed separately.
    • line: arg is None. Retrieving the values of variables on this line is also to be performed separately.
    • return: arg is the value that will be returned from the callable.

While this approach is very powerful, it comes at a detriment to the development process. pdb, which is the Python debugger, uses the sys.settrace API to provide information during debugging sesesions. Similarly, the coverage tool, which provides code-coverage information of Python programs, also uses this entrypoint.

sys.settrace only allows for one trace function to be set, meaning no tooling that also uses this API can coexist with another. Therefore, along a codepath that uses the entrypoint in question, determining code coverage, or attempting to debug, is simply not possible.


The project implements the required functionalities in the tracing module, in the classes of Tracer and TraceBatchUpdate, which trace and collect instances into a DataFrame by the following schema:

Column Meaning Type Null?
Filename Relative path to file of traced instance from project root string Never
ClassModule Module of class traced instance is in string When not in a class' scope
Class Name of class traced instance is in string When not in a class' scope
FunctionName Name of function traced instance is in string When not in a function's scope
LineNo Line number traced instance occurs on uint Never
Category Number identifying context traced instance appears in int Never
VarName Name of traced instance string Never
TypeModule Module of traced instance's type string When the type is builtin
Type Name of traced instance's type string Never

Category can take on 5 different values, which are contained in the TraceDataCategory enum class: LOCAL_VARIABLE, GLOBAL_VARIABLE, CLASS_MEMBER, FUNCTION_PARAMETER and FUNCTION_RETURN.

@decorators.trace - Minimally Intrusive Tracing API

The fetching process generates instances of this decorator function where applicable. Each invocation parses the config file from the root of the project, and executes the tracing process on the marked callable. This decorator takes care to forward all arguments that pytest may inject into the decorated function so that all kinds of monkeypatching, fixtures and much else.

After tracing has concluded, the accumulated DataFrame in the Tracer is serialised under pytypes/{project}/{test_case}/{func_name}-{hash(df)}.pytype. The hashing is performed to force tests that are executed in loops (e.g. by @pytest.mark.parametrize) to not overwrite their predecessor's data, which could cause valuable information that would indicate union types, to be lost. If the traced test causes an uncaught exception, then a similarly named file with an .err suffix is generated containing the traceback.

Additionally, if the benchmark_performance value has been set to true in pytypes.toml, then additional tracing will be performed that does not store any trace data, and again with logging enabled but with optimisations turned off. The runtimes for each execution are serialised next to the logged trace files.

Tracer - Setting sys.settrace and Collecting Data

The events generated by the trace function are caught in the Tracer class' _on_trace_is_called method after its start_trace method has been called. This ends when its end_trace method being called. This functionality has again been wrapped in its active_trace method, which can be used in Python's with statements. These methods are called from the @decorators.trace function, as documented in the previous section.

The implementation backs-up any previously set trace function by reading from sys.gettrace, and sets its own using sys.settrace. This newly set trace function handles the call, line and return events, and ignores the exception and opcode events, as no relevant data can be gleamed from these. Each event is handled in its own appropriately named method, and the tracer combines the DataFrames generated by BatchTraceUpdate. When tracing is halted, the DataFrame is deduplicated to remove redundant information and the old trace function is restored.

During tracing, the values for TypeModule and Type are derived from the type function, which is passed to the Resolver to mirror components to Python's from x.y import z import style.

BatchTraceUpdate - Simplifying and Batching Trace Updates

Despite the events emitted by sys.settrace being disjunct, the operations that must be performed on the basis thereof are not. For example, the handling of the return event is a superset of that of the line event. Furthermore, the line event must perform update operations for both local and global variables. Also, the general functionality necessary to update the DataFrame is repetitive, especially with FileName, ClassModule, Class and FunctionName being identical for every trace call within the same function.

The BatchTraceUpdate class was designed to solve these issues; the aforementioned repetitive data is passed to the constructor, to be reused in its methods. These methods form a builder-pattern style interface for each relevant category, allowing updates to be chained as each event requires. After all updates have been handled, a DataFrame can be produced that is to added to the otherwise accumulated trace data.